October 10, 2009

Taylor Swift should get Nobel Peace Prize

President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, surprising everyone in the world, especially for himself. People around the world desribed this from an achievement, a controversy to a joke. Does Obama deserve this award? I don't know. But I think Taylor Swift deserves it as much as Obama does. Here's why.

Both Taylor Swift and Barack Obama are successful. Young (relative to their field) and cute, they both inspried many people by using their mouth and voice. They bring hope and a fresh image to people by cleaning up the previously tainted one by George Bush and Britney Spears relatively.

Just see the albums Fearless released by Taylor Swift in November 2008, you will hear a song called "Change". Who was shouting this word at that time? Another song was called "White Horse". I believe this was just a typo. Don't you think there is some connection?

Many said Obama won it because the Nobel Committee wanted to console him for the humiliation by Copenhagen's International Olympic Committee's decision. But if the Nordic people really want to make up for their mistake, the one who needs consolation is definitely Taylor, who was hurt by Kanye West on the MTV Award, as everybody knows. And her kindness for accepting apologies from him shows the character of a Nobel Peace Laureate as President Obama showed when he accepted the apology from Congressman Joe Wilson.

p.s.: I hope my friend Nick can recover from the illness soon!


  1. the Noble prize committee is trying to influence geopolitics by encouraging a specific direction in American foreign policy.

  2. It is to be awarded for the expectation not his achievement of Barack.
