October 19, 2009

Finally, Egyptians are protesting Chinese import -- artificial hymen.

If you have read my recommended articles, you would know this news.

Selling sex may be the oldest profession in history, but selling virginity?
That's new. Chinese naughty toys company Gigimo (motto: Let's play!) has advertised an artificual hymen kit throughout the Middle East that has sparked controversy in Egypt.

From Associated Press:

It is intended to help newly married women fool their husbands
into believing they are virgins — culturally important in a conservative Middle
East where sex before marriage is considered by many to be illicit. The product
leaks a blood-like substance when inserted and broken.
In a country and a region where pre-marital sex is so taboo it can even lead to a
woman's murder, the debate over the virginity-faking kit has revived Egypt's
constant struggle to reconcile modern mores with more traditional beliefs —
namely, that a woman is not a virgin unless she bleeds after the first time.
Egyptian lawmakers officially banned the product, but its availability was
made public when a reporter from Radio Netherlands aired an Arabic translation
of a commercial advertising the product. Gigimo currently still offers shipping to Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, and promises "no side effects, no pain to use, no allergic reaction."

Personally, I fully support China in this issue. It helps give more personal freedom in those closed society. But even today, this traditional obsession of virginity till wedding is still influential in China. If we really want to liberate women, the society should be transformed.

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