October 17, 2009

The greatest legacy of Roman warriors -- Bribing Taliban

It's reported that the only reason why the Afghan region occupied by Italian troops were so peaceful was because Italian government bribed the Taliban tribal leaders. What's more astonishing was Italy didn't pass this secret tactic to French troops, who are currently responsible for this area. Their failure to pay angered Taliban, leading to a false assessment, resulting in huge casualties for France. (The Times)

Once again, Italian troops showed they are the descedents of great Roman army. The humiliated victory in World War I and the even more humiliated loss in World War II (probably Germany could have won the war if they were wise enough to make Italy ally with England) reminded us of their great history. They even couldn't defeat the Ethiopian troops using swords and arrows, until they introduced mustard gas into battlefield.

But we should understand Italy's tactics. The enemy they were facing was ruthless. They really threatened a Pakistani newspaper that if they continued to call them terrorists, they would bomb the newspaper headquarters. Sounds like exactly what terrorist means, doesn't it?

PS: I'm going to start a series about China's history! If you are interested, please keep coming~ The first series would be some interesting facts of many Chinese emperors. There were really so many of them.

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