September 23, 2009

Hey, here comes my first person of the week!

Here we are, seven days! Finally, my first POW (not POW the prisoner, but POW the awesome guy) is here. He has been a joke in the past 40 years, and today he once again proved that great reputation. Colonel Qaddafi, congratuations! You really deserve this honor. I wanna say sorry to Ahmadinejad. To be rediculous, you still have so much to learn from the Colonel.

I always love the annual General Debate of UN General Assembly. It is not only an annual photo op for the world leaders, a good cure to insomnia (China's speech is especially good for this), but it's a way to see the absurdity of politics.

I will review what's happening in New York in the next few days. But for the first day, Qaddafi is the "king of kings" and "leader of revolution" (this was how the president of General Assembly, who is from Libya, introduced him).

15 minutes is clearly not enough for him. Instead, his speech took about 100 minutes. But it was never boring. For the most part, he attacked the Security Council. His country tried so hard to get into SC for the first time, but after this experience, probably he felt unfair to not having a veto power. I support the abolition of veto, which is extremely out-of-date, but the way he did it was simply as the man he has always been -- a joke.

His speech includes:

* Swine flu may have been created in the laboratory as weapon. "Perhaps tomorrow we will have a fish flu."
* Rejects everything in the UN Charter, except the Preamble.
* Compares Security Council veto to Julius Ceasar being made emperor.
* General Assembly is "like Hyde Park"...."nobody implementing our just make a speech and then disappear."(that's why he wanted to make a sensational speech)
* Says Security Council is "terrorism itself". Doubles down comparing Security Council to Al Qaed. "It should not be called the Security Council. It should be called the terror council."
* Gives shoutout to Silvio Berlusconi for apologizing for World War II crimes.
* "We would be happy if Obama would stay forever as president."
* Arguing against having the U.N. in New York:" Is this Jerusalem, is the the Vatican, is this Mecca? All of you are tired with jetlag, are very tired. Physically speaking you are very low. All of you are asleep." Says he was up at 4 a.m. last night.
* Calls for release of Manuel Norieg.
* Iraq war: "Mother of all evils"
* Questions the official record on the Kennedy assassination.
* Rejects two-state solution. Calls for democratic state. Era of Sharon and Arafat is over. Says Arabs will give Jews protection. "Look at what everyone else did to the Jews. Hitler is an exmaple. You are the ones who hate the Jews, not us."

Haha. I really enjoy it! Hey, you deserve this honor, Mr. Qaddafi.


  1. “it was black humor at its zenith: the world’s worst international terrorist and mass murderer urging the United Nations to investigate all the atrocities with which he is not connected.”


  2. To be precise, he spoke for 96 mins.

  3. Another comment. Should it be Gaddafi instead of Qaddafi?

  4. I think both would be OK. I would love to go with Qaddafi, because if q isn't followed with a u, that looks exotics, haha.

  5. Perhaps "Gadhafi" also works. At least sometimes CNN uses "Gadhafi".
